Stress and our wellness

Stress! Doctors will tell you to reduce your stress, and then the Mayo Clinic says the following:

“Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life.”

It is normal, and we can even thrive or excel when we are stressed, but like anything, too much stress can create problems. First, let’s start by talking about how stress can affect YOU. With all the events that come at us in life, stress is certainly a big part of our lives, and it does affect our health. When stress is not addressed and not managed it can go as far as leading to heart disease, obesity, blood pressure, and diabetes. Short term, it can create depression, insomnia, and anxiety to name a few.

Our homes and our habits can create stress management and even stress relief in our lives.

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A rug can make your ROOM!

When it comes to having a room look finished, a great rug that is the right size, color and pattern does wonders!  A rug anchors the room both in style and defining the space.  Choosing a pretty rug is easy, however choosing the right rug that enhances your room, ties the style of the room together, and reflects the lifestyle of the people living with it is a bit more difficult. 

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